Ray Rylan Grille (autonome)
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Ray Rylan

Analysis of his STRENGTHS - his TALENTS - his QUALITIES - his SKILLS - his POTENTIAL

How does Ray function on an individual level?
What are the main resources activated by his brain as it encodes, that he decodes
and that he interprets everything it emits and everything it receives?
Ray, on an individual level, his mental process of encoding and decoding operates as follows:
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Brain resources  
Initially, with a result of 63%, his brain activates nearly essentially the resources of his Logical Intelligence.
Secondly, with a result of 21%, his brain activates next the resources of his Intuitive Intelligence.
Thirdly, with a result of 11%, his brain activates a little the resources of his Reactive Intelligence.
Fourthly, with a result of 5%, his brain activates very little the resources of his Rational Intelligence.
Ray thus operates with the activation of two brain resources, mainly:

Logical Intelligence (63%) + Intuitive Intelligence (21%)

Percentage of respondents whose brain activates these first two cerebral resources: Logical Intelligence + Intuitive Intelligence: 8,35%
For Ray, with a result of 63%, his brain activates nearly essentially the resources of his Logical Intelligence.
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Ray, in these proportions operates nearly essentially by relying on logic, coherence, common sense and by trying to understand through analysis, through reflection, either consciously or unconsciously, the logic inherent in everything, in every situation. He develops his argument, his reasoning by structuring it by proof then by submitting it to the counter-proof in order to validate its logic, coherence, relevance, hence its functioning by Logical Comprehension.
Ray, in these proportions operates nearly essentially by seeking to understand the reasoning behind things, situations, and events. He structures his thought, his discourse by following, consciously or unconsciously, a plan, a method. He can be open to everything that is logical and coherent. He can work to make logical what seems illogical to him . He can take the time to clarify his ideas and put them on a solid base before formulating them. He takes the time to analyze and understand before accepting or rejecting a new idea. He can show coherence and discernment, hence open-mindedness as the primary strength.

Ray will pass everything to the filters of logic; everything must be thought, reflected, weighed. He does nearly essentially, confidence in his strength to think, cogitate, analyze, structure the whole before expressing it.
Ray can show openness and understanding towards everything that is new, everything that has not yet been proven, on the condition that it relies on logical, structured bases.
In the face of everything that happens, everything that his brain perceives, and all situations, cerebral mechanisms come into action and lead Ray, often unconsciously, to ask a whole series of questions, such as:
- “ Is it in line with logic, with My logic, is it coherent? ”
- “ Does it help in understanding, grasping the element in question? ”
- “ Can I improve it, make logical what seems illogical to me? ”
To engage his interest, in these proportions , one should rely on logic and present Ray with structured, coherent ideas and projects based on logic.
Thus, there is always the riskof demotivating Ray if what him presents lacks logic and coherence, relying only on conventional ideas.
For Ray, with a result of 21%, his brain activates next the resources of his Intuitive Intelligence.
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Always in these proportions (21%), Ray, in these proportions operates next by intuitions, by impulses, by feelings, by flashes which arise spontaneously from his unconscious towards his conscious level and he builds his arguments, his reasoning, as the ideas arise from his unconscious to the conscious level, hence his functioning by Intuitive Deduction.
Ray, in these proportions operates next boldness as the secondary strength.
Always in these proportions Ray will try to get off the beaten track, to get away from the commonplace and dare to be different. He does next, what inspires him his impulses, his inspirations, his intuitions, his feelings.
Ray can be receptive to anything new, anything that has not yet been proven, on the condition that it goes off the beaten track, that it sheds unprecedented new light.
In the face of everything that happens, everything that his brain perceives, and all situations, cerebral mechanisms come into action and lead Ray, often unconsciously, to ask a whole series of questions, such as:
- “ What does this bring that is new? How is it innovative? ”
- “ Does it excite my neurons? ”
- “ Does it allow me to get off the beaten path, to follow my impulses, my feelings? ”
- “ Does it inspire me and spark new ideas? ”
- “ Does it allow me to progress in my mental journey? ”
To engage his interest, in these proportions , one should present Ray with ideas and projects that go beyond the usual, that break free from conventional approaches, stimulating his curiosity and creativity.
Thus, there is always the riskof demotivating Ray if one sticks to the commonplace, to ideas and methods confined within well-trodden paths, bringing nothing new or innovative.
For Ray, with a result of 11%, it is a fact that his brain activates a little the resources of his Reactive Intelligence.
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People whose brains activate the resources of their Reactive Intelligence operate by emotionally reacting to stimuli from the external world, with emotions and feelings stirred by these stimuli dictating their responses and behaviors. They respond by using behavioral patterns acquired mostly during childhood and throughout their lives. This results in their functioning by Emotional Reaction, hence also dedication as a strength, as they are unwilling to risk offending those who fulfill their needs for esteem and validation.

For Ray, the fact that his brain activates a little the resources of his Reactive Intelligence does not prevent experiencing feelings. He is still capable of showing compassion and empathy for others. However, generally, he does not let his feelings, his emotions disrupt his life, his harmony, or his state of calm.

Although the result is 11%, in some circumstances, the brain may activate the resources of the Reactive Intelligence first, leading Ray to respond emotionally to stimuli from surroundings or the external world.
For Ray, with a result of 5%, it is a fact that his brain activates very little the resources of his Rational Intelligence.
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People whose brains activate the resources of their Rational Intelligence operate by securing themselves with what is validated, proven, and accepted within their environment and by adhering to the beliefs and values dictated by this environment or by an aspirational environment they seek to join. They prefer to stick with what they know and control rather than take risks. This results in their functioning by Rational Reasoning, hence also caution as a strength, as they avoid risking rejection from their community.

For Ray, the fact that his brain activates very little the resources of his Rational Intelligence is entirely logical and perfectly aligns with his journey. He would not be true to himself if he allowed the values and beliefs conveyed by and within this environment to override logic.
Individual Plan
In summary,
    Ray thus operates with the activation of two brain resources, mainly:
       Logical Intelligence (63%) + Intuitive Intelligence (21%)
  - hence a mode of functioning through:
     Logical Comprehension + Intuitive Deduction
  - demonstrating:
     of open-mindedness + of boldness
  - strengths supporting all his functions, all his interpersonal relationships, all his actions based on:
     logic, coherence, common sense + the new, the uncharted, the unconventional
  - in functions that require skills for:
     develop, analyze structures based on solid foundations, considering organizational realities
     imagine, conceive new approaches, innovative solutions
Thus, with this sequence, Ray
In these proportions (63%) can demonstrate openness to new ideas as long as they are logical and coherent; he can seek logical arguments to reformulate what, in his view, is not; he can build on solid foundations by delving into details.
In these proportions (21%) can break new ground, go against the current, and imagine, following his inspirations, innovative solutions and methods that can distinguish and provide a competitive advantage.
In 2023, out of a total of 28,34% respondents whose brains primarily activated the resources of their Logical Intelligence, 8,35% had this sequence of the first two brain resources: Logical Intelligence + Intuitive Intelligence

Does this sequence of brain resources and its resulting characteristics align well with the position's requirements?
To help you answer this questioning, click on  Read More
   ⇒ Click to access statistics on the occurrences of sequences:   Brain resource sequence

Ray, his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships !
Given the resources that his brain activates on an individual level, cerebral resources which shape all his behaviors, Ray in these proportions will exercise leadership and base his interpersonal relationships nearly essentially (63%) by relying on coherence, common sense, and by applying nuance and discernment. and next (21%) by following his impulses, his intuitions, his inspirations, his feelings..
What types of Leadership does Ray exercise, and on what foundation does he his interpersonal relationships rest?
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Leadership and interpersonal relationships  
Initially, with a result of 43%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on firstly on Mobilization.
Secondly, with a result of 36%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on next on Altruism.
Thirdly, with a result of 14%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on a little on Individuality.
Fourthly, with a result of 7%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on very little on Centralization.
Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships primarily on a sequence of:
Mobilization (43%) + Altruism (36%)

Percentage of respondents who base their leadership and interpersonal relationships on these first two strengths: Mobilization + Altruism: 7,06%.
With a result of 43%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on firstly on Mobilization.
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With a result of 43%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on firstly on empowerment of each person, on complicity between people, on participation and involvement of everyone.

In mode Mobilization, interrelations with others can be summarized as follows: “ I will help you as much as I can and as long as you make an effort to help yourself. I expect you to engage, participate actively, and help others as well. ”

In these proportions in mode Mobilization, Ray will be inclined focused on motivating others, instilling responsibility, and fostering autonomy.

Ray will encourage participation and involvement from all, and He will also aim to develop a spirit of collaboration rather than rivalry among individuals. He can show understanding and adapt his leadership based on each person's specific needs, which at that moment makes a a generally valued and respected leader. He expects others to also be mobilizing and seek to unite rather than divide.

Keywords : Empowerment, Complicity.

Fish story:
I'll teach you how to fish so that you can feed yourself, and also so you can teach others! ”
With a result of 36%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on next on Altruism.
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With a result of 36%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on next on empathy, solidarity, mutual assistance.

In mode Altruism, interrelations with others can be summarized as follows: “ If you need a listening ear, I am here to listen, lift your spirits, and offer comfort. I expect you to do the same if I go through a difficult period. ”

In these proportions in mode Altruism, Ray will likely show empathy and solidarity. He will seek to ease difficulties and avoid interpersonal conflicts in order to maintain harmony and good relations as much as possible.

Ray may put themselves in others' shoes to understand their motives and actions. He expects others to also be capable of showing solidarity and compassion toward others.

Keywords : Empathy, Solidarity, Mutual Assistance.

Fish story:
I know I'm too quick to meet your needs by giving you fish! I don't help you by giving in so quickly, and sometimes I regret it! ”
With a result of 14%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on a little on Individuality.
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With a result of 14%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on a little on non-interference, on live and let live, on self-determination.

In mode Individuality, interrelations with others can be summarized as follows: “ I respect your freedom, your choices, your opinions, your space, your territory, and I expect you to respect my freedom, my choices, my opinions, my space, my territory. ”

Ray will, always in these proportions respect everyone's freedom. He will let others freely do as they wish without interfering in their actions, as long as they stay out of his territory. He expects the other to also respect his freedom.

Keywords : Non-interference, Self-determination.

Fish story:
You want fish? The sea is right there! Find a fishing rod and catch what you want! ”
With a result of 7%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on very little on Centralization.
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With a result of 7%, Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on very little on directive approach, on respect for authority and hierarchy, on obedience.

In mode Centralization, interrelations with others can be summarized as follows: “ People must obey, respect the hierarchy, not question the orders, decisions of their superiors; not challenge their ideas, opinions, and demonstrate loyalty to the organization and its leaders. ”

Ray could be Centralization, but because that he doesn't like being directed, told what to do, or having anything imposed, he doesn't seek nor feel the need to impose his will on others.

Keywords : Directive Leadership, respect for Authority, and Hierarchy.

Fish story:
I'll centralize the catches, and based on my judgment of each person's merit and effort, I'll redistribute the fish! ”
Because, on an individual level, his brain activates nearly essentially the resources of his Logical Intelligence (63%) and next the resources of his Intuitive Intelligence (21%), if his counterpart is not already playing on the field of logic, Ray may be inclined in trying to bring the other onto this ground, so they structure their speech, their argument, and step out of clichés and “ because ” as a response to everything.
Also, always in these proportions with his remarks that may sometimes seem provocative, Ray will try to stimulate the neurons of his counterpart, he will try to lead them off the beaten path, to exercise their free will, to listen to their impulses, inspirations, and instincts.

Obviously, in these proportions
    (63%) Ray also expects the other to appeal to his logic and be him capable of demonstrating logic.
    (21%) Ray also expects the other to stimulate his neurons, to brings him lead them off the beaten path.
Taking into account his results, Ray is a a leader who:
(43%), in these proportions can mobilize the other if the other accepts his mobilization and if the other is capable of self-mobilization. He may agree to be mobilized by the other if the other respects his needs.;
(36%), in these proportions can lend a listening ear to the other's problems as long as the other doesn't constantly come to cry on his shoulder.;
(14%), in these proportions may be inclined to encourage the other to demonstrate greater individuality and to free themselves from his influence and that of others.;
(7%), in these proportions may be inclined to tell the other what to do and how to do it if if he observes or if he believes the other lacks the necessary foundations to do so..
With Others
In summary,
Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships primarily on a sequence of:
Mobilization (43%) : on empowerment of each person, on complicity between people, on participation and involvement of everyone.
Altruism (36%) : on empathy, solidarity, mutual assistance.
Individuality (14%) : on non-interference, on live and let live, on self-determination.;
Given his functioning by Logical Comprehension (63%) + Intuitive Deduction (21%) Ray will therefore exercise leadership and support his interpersonal relationships :
(63%) nearly essentially by relying on coherence, common sense, and by applying nuance and discernment.
(21%) next by following his impulses, his intuitions, his inspirations, his feelings.
(11%) generally, without letting he's be carried away by his feelings or his emotions.
(5%) generally, without allowing he's to be held back or limited by conventions, procedural guidelines, customs, and traditions in his environment.
In 2023, out of a total of 28,34% respondents whose brains primarily activated the resources of their Logical Intelligence, 8,35% had this sequence of the first two brain resources: Logical Intelligence + Intuitive Intelligence
In 2023, out of a total of 7,35% respondents who based their leadership and interpersonal relationships primarily on Mobilization, 7,06% based their leadership and interpersonal relationships on Mobilization + Altruism
Does this type of leadership and its resulting characteristics align well with the position's requirements?
To help you answer this questioning, click on  Read More
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Ray, at work and in his activities: his strengths, his talents, his optimal performance zones !
Given the resources activated by his brain on an individual level, cerebral resources that condition all his behaviors, Ray, in these proportions will carry out his tasks, his activities nearly essentially (63%) by relying on coherence, common sense, and by applying nuance and discernment. and next (21%) by following his impulses, his intuitions, his inspirations, his feelings..
In what types of activities does Ray maximize he potential?
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  The Art of Human Potential Management   
Initially, with a result of 48%, Ray has talents, mostly, for Build.
Secondly, with a result of 22%, Ray has talents, next, for Innovate.
Thirdly, with a result of 22%, Ray has talents, next, for Manage.
Fourthly, with a result of 9%, Ray has talents, very little, for Assist.
Ray therefore has talents primarily for:
Build (48%) + Innovate (22%)

Percentage of respondents who possess these first two talents: Build + Innovate: 8,21%
With a result of 48%, Ray has talents, mostly, for Build.
Build: it is to undertake; start; begin to implement; materialize; set in motion; establish the foundations and structures at both the idea and product levels.

In these proportions Ray must be able to evolve in an environment that promotes initiative and accountability for everyone; where the right to make mistakes is allowed; where differing opinions are accepted; where consultation occurs in all directions.
With a result of 22%, Ray has talents, next, for Innovate.
Innovate: it is to create; design; develop; explore; conceptualize, whether at the level of ideas, concepts, or products.

In these proportions Ray must be able to evolve in an environment without boundaries, without limits, where each person is responsible for themselves, where everyone sets their own course, and where each person is accountable for their actions.
With a result of 22%, Ray has talents, next, for Manage.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Difference Between Managing and Administering   
Manage: it is to optimize; consolidate; lead; govern; define standards, rules, procedures; implement what has been established by the Builders.

In these proportions Ray must be able to evolve in an environment structured, organized; engaging in planned activities with well-defined objectives and precise deadlines.
With a result of 9%, Ray has talents, very little, for Assist.
Assist: it is to support; assist; make oneself available and even serve; it is the Right-Hand Person providing administrative support to Innovators, Builders, Managers, and Administrators alike.

In these proportions Ray must be able to evolve in an environment where everyone can rely on each other, where mutual aid takes precedence over competition; where the human aspect is considered.
To fully evolve in his and maximize his potential, Ray should be able to dedicate:
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Optimal Performance Zones  
between 43% and 53% of his time for activities him that allow for Build.
between 17% and 27% of his time for activities him that allow to Innovate.
between 17% and 27% of his time for activities him that allow for Manage.
between 4% and 14% of his time for activities him that allow to Assist.
Of course, Ray can operate outside his OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE ZONE and still be effective; however, if if he operates too much or too long outside his zone, his motivation may decrease, and Ray may engage in presenteeism (being physically present at work, but absent mentally mentally). Moreover, over time, his absenteeism may increase, leading in both cases to losses for the company.
More specifically!
Because, on an individual level, his brain activates nearly essentially the resources of his Logical Intelligence (63%) and next the resources of his Intuitive Intelligence (21%) and because that he possesses talents mostly, for Build (48%), next, for Innovate (22%) and next, for Manage (22%), Ray will Build (48%) + Innovate (22%) + Manage (22%)
by relying
nearly essentially on open-mindedness (63%)
by seeking to understand the logic of things, situations, and events;
by structuring his thinking and his communication;
by consciously or unconsciously following a plan, a method;
by being open to everything logical and coherent;
by working to make logical what him seems illogical;
by taking time to clarify his ideas, to ground them solidly before expressing them;
by taking the time to analyze and understand before accepting or rejecting a new idea;
by demonstrating coherence and discernment while relying on logic and common sense;
all in alignment with his Logical Intelligence.
by relying
next on boldness, in these proportions (21%)
by daring to take risks, by daring to venture off the beaten path and explore new avenues;
by daring to go against the current;
by daring to think and act differently from others
by daring to follow his intuitions, his impulses, his inspirations, and his feelings inspired by his Intuitive Intelligence;
by daring to consider innovative, original solutions;
by daring to launch into the unknown and experiment;
by daring to move forward without a guide, without knowing where it him will lead;
by daring to be free.
by relying
a little on dedication (11%).   Ray will not really seek to he's make themselves available; to he's show helpfulness; or to he's submit to others' demands.
by relying
very little on caution (5%).   Ray will not really seek to he's confine themselves within the frameworks and limits prevalent in his environment; to he's adhere to what that he knows, what that he can control, what has proven effective, what is validated, proven, and accepted in his environment; or to rely on the opinions of experts and authorities.
In carrying out his duties and fulfilling his tasks, especially when if he is in a position of authority, Ray will base
firstly on Empowerment, Complicity (43%)
next on Empathy, Solidarity, Mutual Assistance (36%)
a little on Non-interference, Self-determination (14%)
very little on Directive Leadership, respect for Authority, and Hierarchy (7%)
At Work
In summary,
Ray therefore has talents primarily for:
Build: undertake - realize - start - structure (48%)
Innovate: imagine - create - design - conceptualize (22%)
Manage: consolidate - lead - optimize (22%)
Ray will carry out his tasks, always in these same proportions,
by relying on logic and being open-minded (63%)
by daring to go off the beaten path, going against the current, and showing audacity (21%)
Ray, depending on the circumstances and always in these proportions, will exercise leadership based on:
Mobilization / Empowerment / Complicity (43%)
Altruism / Empathy / Solidarity (36%)
In 2023, out of a total of 28,34% respondents whose brains primarily activated the resources of their Logical Intelligence, 8,35% had this sequence of the first two brain resources: Logical Intelligence + Intuitive Intelligence
In 2023, out of a total of 13,99% respondents who primarily had strengths and talents for Build, 8,21% had a sequence of strengths and talents for Build + Innovate
Do these talents and their resulting characteristics align well with the position's requirements?
To help you answer this questioning, click on  Read More
 ⇒ Click to access statistics on the occurrences of sequences:   Work and activities

Ray, his Motivation Process
1 - Autonomy: The source of motivation and action! Where does Ray draw he his motivation?
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Autonomy, is between 60% and 75%: 28,55%.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  The source of motivation: self / others  
With a himself relationship (74%) / others (26% ), primarily and a little the others.
Ray shows a good degree of autonomy, independence in thought and opinion.
He forms his own ideas, his own opinions, and he exercises his free will while considering the opinions and advice from his surroundings.
He is open in listening to others before making a decision, but ultimately, he wants to decide and act by and for himself on matters concerning him .
Consulting others helps him refine his own opinion, his own perspective.
He may agree to another's request and say “ Yes ”, but he will still validate it personally to ensure its validity.
He is not easily influenced, though he can be swayed by strong, complementary arguments.
He knows when he has performed well, and he can draw satisfaction from himself achievements; he also appreciates sincere compliments from his surroundings, which contribute to his motivation.
He dislikes others making decisions for him or imposing decisions; he values participation in all decisions affecting him . Overstepping this could lead to resistance from him .
Ray can self-motivate, but he also enjoys motivation from his environment.
The surest way to demotivate him is by imposing decisions or opinions.
Phrases like “ If I were in your shoes... ” or “ You should do... or think... ” won't work well with him.
It's better to use language like: “ What do you think about... and what does X think... What do you plan to do about... Would you like to discuss it? In your view, what... ”
For Ray, given his result, this external reference system plays a role by encouraging his to consider others' perspectives.
For Ray,
with his way of functioning nearly essentially by Logical Comprehension (63%) + next by Intuitive Deduction (21%)
with his strengths and his talents mostly to Build (48%), next to Innovate (22%) and next to Manage (22%)
and in addition, the fact that that he is primarily ( 74%) his own reference system, all these elements contribute to making it so that:
all these different points reinforce and complete each other and consolidate further
his preference for structuring himself his work
as well as his autonomy, his free will, his independence of mind, ideas, opinions.
2 - Optimism, positive mindset: The goal of motivation and action! Does Ray act he to obtain, gain, or to preserve, not lose?
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Optimism, positive mindset, is between 75% and 85%: 13,92%.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Obtain / Not lose  
With an approach to obtain, gain (81%) / preserve, not lose (19%), Ray acts and takes action essentially to obtain, to gain and very little to preserve, to avoid loss.
Ray is essentially an optimistic, a positive spirit.
He acts essentially to win, to achieve, to obtain.
He has a strong tendency to look at only one side of the coin: the positive side of all situations.
He doesn't really see the obstacles or if he sees them, he doesn't let himself be slowed down by them.
He is rather of the opinion that if there is a problem it is because there are solutions, so he focuses on the solutions.
He has a strong tendency to “ wait until get to the river before trying to cross it ”.
Ray is motivated by that he can reach, get, win.
If a person tries to scare him by brandishing under his eyes all the risks, all the obstacles that may arise, it will not stop him; he will simply ignore it.
Blackmail and threats have very little effect on him and like the fox caught in a trap, there is a good chance that he prefers “ to cut his leg off ” rather than bowing to these threats, even if it means losing everything.
For Ray, taking into account his result, birds of ill omen can hardly make him lose his optimism and his confidence in his good star.
For Ray,
with his way of functioning nearly essentially by Logical Comprehension (63%) + next by Intuitive Deduction (21%)
with his strengths and his talents mostly to Build (48%), next to Innovate (22%) and next to Manage (22%)
and in addition, the fact that he acts essentially (81%) to obtain, to gain and very little (19%) to preserve, to avoid loss, all these elements contribute to making it so that:
all these different points reinforce and complete each other resulting in:
Ray will focus more on solutions rather than problems, and the proposed solutions will be based on
on logical foundations
as well as on innovative, novel approaches
and these solutions will align with a positive approach.
3 - Initiative, proactivity: The dynamic of motivation and action! Does Ray initiate he action or leave the initiative to others?
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Initiative, proactivity, is between 75% and 85%: 14,63%.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Initiative, proactivity, speed  
With a ratio initiative, proactivity (83%) / waiting for others to take the initiative (17%), Ray definitively takes the initiative and the control of his life, his destiny!
Ray is definitivelya go-getter for everything that him holds dear.
He can demonstrate a very, very high level of proactivity to achieve his goals, his objectives.
He can decide very quickly and initiate action without waiting for others, especially if if he is the only one concerned.
He wants to be the master of his life, of his destiny.
He finds it difficult to accept that others take initiatives that him involve without first having consulted, without having involved in this process.
Ray is motivated by and in action, which can be both physical and intellectual.
He wants to be able to decide and set for himself his own goals, his own deadlines without having to justify them.
The “ I have decided that you must... ” will almost certainly him alienate and he will express his refusal, perhaps not always diplomatically.
For Ray, given his result, it is preferable not to take initiatives that him involve without including them.
For Ray,
with his way of functioning nearly essentially by Logical Comprehension (63%) + next by Intuitive Deduction (21%)
with his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships based firstly on Mobilization (43%), next on Altruism (36%) and a little on Individuality (14%)
with his strengths and his talents mostly to Build (48%), next to Innovate (22%) and next to Manage (22%)
the fact that that he is primarily (74%) his own reference system
and in addition, the fact that that he is definitively (83%) proactive, that he takes the initiative and that he takes action, all these elements contribute to making it so that:
all these different points reinforce and complete each other resulting in:
Ray will focus more on action (83%)
by relying on coherence, common sense, and by applying nuance and discernment. (63%)
and by following his impulses, his intuitions, his inspirations, his feelings. (21%)
by trying to mobilize his surroundings to get them to him follow (43%), by showing understanding, consideration, and empathy toward others (36%) and by going at his own pace without waiting for others (14%)
by relying on logic and being open-minded (63%)
and by daring to go off the beaten path, going against the current, and showing audacity (21%)
by forming his own ideas and opinions while consulting and considering others' feedback (74%).
4 - The driving force of motivation and action! Does Ray take action because that he must - because that he can - because that he wants to? *
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Obligation, is between 7% and 17%: 24,33%.
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Possibility, is between 27% and 37%: 9,21%.
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Desire, is between 47% and 57%: 5,85%.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Obligations / Possibilities / Desires  
With a ratio obligations 15% / possibilities 33% / desires 52%, Ray acts and takes action first according to his obligations (15%)
Although the result is 15% to obligations, Rayacts and takes action first because he must. His sense of duty leads him to put first the obligations that he has to deal with.
Once his obligations fulfilled, he can, with a clear conscience, take care of something else.
He thus responds to the “ principle of moral ”.
While this can be a source of frustration, once the task is accomplished, Ray can feel the satisfaction of having accomplished the task.
With a result of 33% to possibilities, Ray acts and takes action a little less because he can and he will give a little less interest at the possibilities that may arise if he takes action.
It is not the main motor of his action
Ray runs the risk of missing out on interesting opportunities by not giving more interest at this point.
After responding to his obligations and with a result of 52% to desires, Ray acts and takes action mainly because he wants, because he wishes to do so, because it allows him to realize and concretize some dreams. He believes that when one wants, one can.
Ray runs a certain risk, however, it is to try to escape in the dream, to flee reality. In the eyes of some, he may then pass for someone idealistic, utopian, disconnected from the real life.
But for that he really wants, Ray can put everything in action to live some dreams rather than dreaming his life.
For Ray,
with his way of functioning nearly essentially by Logical Comprehension (63%) + next by Intuitive Deduction (21%)
with his strengths and his talents mostly to Build (48%), next to Innovate (22%) and next to Manage (22%)
the fact that that he is primarily (74%) his own reference system
the fact that that he is definitively (83%) proactive, that he takes the initiative and that he takes action
and because that he is obligations (15%) and because that he is desires (52%)
These different points will materialize if Ray can fulfill his obligations and if he wants it, if he desires it. It is for these reasons that it is important:
whether him made the decision, or at least that he was involved in the decision (74%)
that he is either the initiator of the action or, at the very least, that he is involved in this initiative (83%)
that he can operate within his optimal performance zone so that that he can Build (48%) + Innovate (22%) + Manage (22%)
nearly essentially by relying on coherence, common sense, and by applying nuance and discernment. (63%)
next by following his impulses, his intuitions, his inspirations, his feelings. (21%)

Ray is likely to experience some conflict between the priority given to his obligations and relegating his desires to the background.
Moreover, if these aspects are not considered, Ray may be less motivated, less enthusiastic, and the chances of procrastination increase.
5 - His relationship with time! Does Ray live or refer more to the past - the present - the future? *
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Past, is below 7%: 12,14%.
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Present, is above 57%: 2,07%.
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Future, is between 27% and 37%: 7,77%.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Past / Present / Future  
With a past 0% / present 67% / future 33%, Ray acts and takes action essentially based on present (67%)
With a result of 0% to past, for Ray, the past is definitively past, the page has turned, there is nothing more to see in the rearview mirror.
Methods that yielded results in past situations are outdated, obsolete.
What matters is essentially what's ahead.
The past may be a source of regret, nostalgia, but this is not a risk for Ray.
With a result of 67% to present, for Ray, what matters is essentially only the present moment, only the here and now.
Adept of the carpe diem, of living as if these were our last moments on earth.
But the present can be a source of impatience if things take a long time to happen, if projects take a long time to materialize.
With a result of 33% to future, for Ray, the future matters a little less. Results must be visible in the short-term, maybe even very short-term.
Career and retirement planning may seem far off, so let's think about it when the time comes.
People focused heavily on the future may experience stress and anxiety about tomorrow's uncertainties, but this isn't a major risk for Ray.
For Ray,
the fact that that he is definitively (83%) proactive, that he takes the initiative and that he takes action
the fact that that he is obligations (15%) and the fact that that he is desires (52%)
and in addition, the fact that that he is essentially present (67%) and the fact that that he is future (33%)
all these different points reinforce and complete each other resulting in:
Ray will privilege actions that will produce results essentially in a very, very short-term
the realization, the concretization of his desires must occur in a very short time
his initiative and his proactivity are accelerated.
And this adds a new condition by introducing the relationship with time, reinforcing the conditions described in the previous point concerning action and the risks of procrastination.
6 - The motives behind his actions! For Ray, is it about his well-being - his relationships - power? *
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Identity, is above 57%: 9,70%.
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Relationship, is between 37% and 47%: 28,28%.
     Percentage of respondents whose result for Power, is below 7%: 25,31%.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Identity / Relationship / Power  
With a focus on Identity 57% / Relationship 43% / Power 0%, Ray acts and takes action almost essentially according to his identity (57%)
With a result of 57% to identity, for Ray, what matters is almost essentially their identity, his harmony, his zenitude.
His harmony is more important than his frustrations or the frustrations of people in his surroundings.
The quest for his well-being, the quest of being is more important than appearing.
With a result of 43% to relationship, for Ray, it is very important to maintain good relationships with his surroundings, to keep and nurture bonds with his close ones (friends, colleagues, family, etc.), and also to maintain a certain presence on social media. Who knows, it might be useful one day.
However, given his result for identity, Ray may be inclined to rely more on himself and a few sincere friends rather than on a network of acquaintances who, in reality, are barely known.
With a result of 0% to power, for Ray, power isn't a necessity. It's not important to seek to dominate others or control them. Personal harmony and good rapport with others matter far more and yield far better results than domination.
For Ray,
the fact that that he is primarily (74%) his own reference system
the fact that that he is obligations (15%) and the fact that that he is desires (52%)
does so that he based on base his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on Mobilization (43%) + Altruism (36%)
the fact that that he is Rational Reasoning at only 5%
the fact that that he is Centralization at only 7%
and in addition, the fact that that he is focused focused on his identity (57%) and the fact that that he acts to develop and maintain his relational (43%)
all these different points reinforce and complete each other and consolidate further
his autonomy, his free will and his independence of mind, ideas, opinions
importance that he gives importance to his well-being, his harmony
importance that he gives to others by looking for mobilize and by proving altruism
with a result of 0% to power, Ray doesn't feel the need to hold any form of power or impose any level of authority based on any form of dominance or power dynamic.
* Because there are 3 variables, the maximum possible is 67%

Ray, Remote work, Challenges, Procrastination
What human aspects are important to consider in organizing remote work for Ray to preserve his balance and harmony, enabling that he to fully realize his potential while thriving? These human aspects may help reduce procrastination risks, turning remote work into a success or a failure! The goals of remote work include allowing Ray to be as productive, if not more productive, while working remotely and to foster that he growth in a remote work setting. Achieving these goals requires attention to factors and challenges that could affect Ray and providing the necessary support and coaching that he may need.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Strengths, Challenges, Procrastination, Ideal Coach, Adaptability Index  
The strengths that are assets for Ray in a remote work setting:
Both in remote work and face-to-face situations:
On an individual level
Because his brain first activates his resources Logical Intelligence (63%), in these proportions Ray, in these proportions operates by relying on logic, coherence, proof, and counter-proof. He operates through Logical Comprehension.
Because his brain also activates his resources Intuitive Intelligence (21%), always in these proportions Ray, in these proportions operates also by following his inspirations, his impulses, his intuitions. He operates through Intuitive Deduction.
As a result:
Ray will, in these same proportions, structure and organize his work and work environment:
- By adapting and adjusting his environment logically, coherently, and in a structured way according to circumstances.
  Strength: his Open-mindedness when facing novelty, as long as it is logical (63%).
- By seeking to go off the beaten path, to go against the current to broaden horizons, break free from the status quo and routine.
  Strength: his Boldness, he dares to dare; he considers new, innovative solutions (21%).
Therefore, in interactions with Ray, to give him free rein and support his approaches and to him allow exploration and experimentation of new avenues, new modus operandi, and to exercise patience.
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At work, in his activities
Ray has talents for Build (48%) and to Innovate (22%) and these talents enable him to organize and structure his work, schedule, and environment so that everything is coherent and optimized.
- By relying on logic and coherence.
  Strength: in these proportions, his ability to realize, materialize, accomplish, and organize
- By relying on his impulses and inspirations.
  Strength: in these proportions, his ability to imagine, conceive, and create
Additionally, Ray reaches his full potential when when he can dedicate
between 43% and 53% time to activities in which he can Build: undertake - realize - start - structure
and between 17% and 27% time to activities in which he can Innovate: imagine - create - design - conceptualize
It is therefore important, in order to allow Ray to reach their full potential, to respect this distribution as much as possible. He will then be able to thrive within the organization.
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Considering his result for Autonomy (74%) and because the driving force of his action and his motivation is his desires, his wishes (52% out of a maximum possible of 67%), Ray veut and he prefers, in these proportions to make his own decisions, deciding alone for himself and by himself. He will consult only if necessary or in an emergency, resulting in time savings and increased productivity.
Strength: his autonomy that him guides when a decision must be made.
It is therefore important, in interactions with Ray, to him allow freedom in his choices; to accept, promote, and encourage the expression of his autonomy.
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Optimism, positive mindset
Considering his result for Optimism, of his positive outlook, because that he acts to reach, achieve, gain (81%) contributes, in these proportions to making Ray more resilient, less vulnerable to negative feelings and discouragement. He will also place greater emphasis on the positive aspects of remote work rather than the negatives.
Strength: his optimism and his inclination to focus on the positive aspects of remote work.
It is therefore important, in interactions with Ray, to demonstrate optimism and a positive outlook oneself and to help them achieve his goals and his objectives.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Optimism, positive mindset  
Initiative, proactivity
Considering his result for Initiative, of his proactivity, because that he can move quickly into action (83%) contributes, in these proportions to enhancing his proactivity because that he can take charge and also assumes responsibility for his actions and decisions.
Strength: his initiative and his proactivity, which help make them quickly operational once the main outline of a new task or what they have to do is provided.
It is therefore important, in interactions with Ray, to encourage his initiatives and to take responsibility for our own actions and decisions.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Initiative, proactivity  
Work - Family - Leisure Balance
The fact that that he values his well-being, his harmony, his peace of mind, and his balance (57% out of a maximum possible of 67%) allows Ray to minimize the risks of overwork and enables them to disconnect. He is able to segment his time, reserving blocks for themselves, his family, and his friends without compromising the quality and productivity of his work.
Strength: his ability to take care of his well-being allows them to detach and avoid overwork without feeling guilty.
It is therefore important, in interactions with Ray, to encourage and facilitate balance and integration between - work - family - leisure.
  Click to access ADDITIONAL INFORMATION on:  Work - Family Balance  
Priority Management
Although the driving force of his action and his motivation is his desires, his wishes (52% out of a maximum possible of 67%) and although the result for obligations is 15% ( out of a maximum possible of 67%), Ray is likely to address his most urgent and even least enjoyable tasks first because that he is a man of duty. This quality aids in prioritizing tasks and managing them effectively, which can also reduce procrastination risks.
Strength: his sense of duty, providing the satisfaction of a job well done.
It is therefore important, in interactions with Ray, to acknowledge and encourage this responsible attitude, as it will further reinforce this behavior.
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Need for Belonging and Socialization / Need for Independence and Autonomy
Based on the results, the priority indices for these different types of activities are as follows:
In these proportions to address his need for belonging and socialization, Ray must be able to
maintain contact and interact with his colleagues
socialize and engage in activities with his friends, his family, etc.
share with others, assist, listen, and be listened
rely on others and let others know they can count on him
feel accepted , valued and respected within his environment
feel that that he is valuable to the organization or group and that his contribution is appreciated
identify with a group, team, organization, club, etc.
share the values, beliefs, practices, or even behaviors of his group of belonging
In these proportions to address his need for independence and autonomy, Ray must be able to
allocate time for himself
focus on his well-being, harmony, and sense of inner peace
exercise his free will, make his own decisions, set his own rules
formulate his own ideas, opinions, and expect others to respect his choices and decisions
expect others to respect his need for freedom, non-interference in personal matters
allow others the liberty of their choices and decisions and avoid expecting him to hand-hold or lead them
Anxiety, worry, stress / Serenity, confidence, peace
According to the results, the indices of predominance of sources, causes, and priority to be given:
In these proportions the sources and causes of anxiety, worry, stress that may affect Ray
fear of loss or failure
risk of dwelling on negativity, focusing solely on the negative side of things, situations, or people
fear of feeling submerged due to his obligations
fear of not meeting the expectations of his environment or fear of not meeting the goals that he has set for himself fixed
sense of having too many responsibilities, too many obligations
fear of being not appreciated, not estimated, not valued
fear of feeling left towards himself
fear of feeling rejected by his environment
fear of not being accepted as that he is
fear that his ideas, opinions, beliefs, and values may not be accepted in his environment
In these proportions the sources of serenity, confidence, peace that can help Ray
his confidence in his abilities
his determination to take control of his life, his destiny
his confidence in life
his positive outlook
his determination to achieve and succeed in what him holds dear
his ability to decide by and for himself
his capacity to set his own rules, boundaries
If his need for belonging and socialization or his need for independence and autonomy are fulfilled, sources of anxiety, worry, and stress are significantly reduced, allowing Ray to live and function much better, and his work is automatically improved.
In an improvement process, it would be wise to work with Ray on developing his independence and autonomy, as well as enhancing his sources of serenity, confidence, and peace.
Need for guidance / Operational readiness
Based on the results, when faced with new tasks or roles:
In these proportions the needs for guidance that Ray may require
  for guidance
the importance of him providing assurance and reassurance that that he will not be left alone, nor left alone, and that support will always be available
the importance of actively listening to any concerns, doubts, or fears that that he may express
the importance of clearly him explaining what is expected of of him and him providing guidance on how to execute these new tasks and responsibilities
the importance of linking these new tasks, these new functions to concepts that he already knows, which have been validated, proven, and widely accepted
In these proportions for Ray, the mental process that can contribute to his operational readiness.
Once his mind
understands the logic, coherence, and feasibility of the task
has intuitively grasped the essence, allowing the exploration of new horizons
and that he can thrive within his optimal performance zone by leveraging his strengths and talents
for Build: undertake - realize - start - structure
for Innovate: imagine - create - design - conceptualize
and that he wants it, desires it
Ray can then be operational and take action on his own initiative.
It stands to reason that, when tasks and activities are well integrated and understood, the need for guidance decreases. However, it is prudent to avoid assumptions and maintain a certain degree of supervision.
Under what circumstances is Ray likely to procrastinate?
On an individual level
Considering his result for Logical Intelligence (63%), if what him is asked to do lacks logic or coherence, or if Ray cannot perceive its logic, he will attend to something else until - either him is shown the validity of the approach or - that he finds a way to adapt it to make it logical, coherent, and structured.
It is therefore crucial to appeal to his logical mind, his synthesis skills, his talents for structuring, for validating with proof and counter-proof.
Furthermore, considering his result for Intuitive Intelligence (21%), if what him is asked to do does not him allow for going off the beaten path, if he cannot follow his impulses, his inspirations, his feelings, Ray will focus on activities that him keep his performance zone and that him nurture and provide a sense of achievement, satisfaction.
It is therefore essential to respect his approach and to assign tasks outside routine, tasks that excite his neurons; tasks that allow him to break new ground.
At work, in his activities
If what him is being asked to do does not allow to build, to undertake (48%) and to innovate, to create (22%), by relying on coherence, common sense, and by applying nuance and discernment. (63%) and by following his impulses, his intuitions, his inspirations, his feelings. (21%), Ray is very likely to procrastinate.
It is therefore important to assign Ray tasks, functions that keep him within his optimal performance zone if one aims to reduce the risks of procrastination.
Act, take action or...
Because his desires (52% out of a maximum possible of 67%) are the driving force of his actions, Ray will take action only when if he feels like it, only when if he wants to. If If he doesn't feel like it, if if he lacks the motivation to take action, if if he is missing inspiration, without enthusiasm, he will focus on something else until a spark ignites his enthusiasm and triggers his action.
It is therefore essential to respect his desires and wishes in order to fuel the engine of his actions, for, in Ray's case, his desires are the fuel that drives his engine. Without fuel, the engine stalls, leading to procrastination.
Ideal Coach
The ideal coach to support people in remote work as well as in-person settings
Because the existing rules and procedures may not be fully adapted for remote work, strictly adhering to protocol could increase adaptation challenges!
Fundamental qualities include:
Open-mindedness and flexibility to adapt and tailor their approach to each person.
Mobilizer + Altruist because centralized leadership resonates less and less across generations.
Optimism, positive mindset to provide encouraging feedback.
Strong listening skills and respect for differences to advise based on individual needs rather than personal beliefs or preferences.
Adaptability and Efficiency Index and Supervision Needs Index
If these factors are not considered, and Ray is left towards himself, after the initial euphoria of remote work, his adaptability and efficiency index could be around 80% in a remote work setting.
With a result of 20%, for Ray, the supervision needs index is ± neutral; however, it should be adjusted based on challenges and sources of procrastination.
 For more details, click here.   
In conclusion
We can let Ray go, and periodically, during phone or video calls, him check if everything is going well.

In summary, Ray
Ray, the activation of his brain resources, his functioning mode, his strengths, his abilities:
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  Results:   Quantifier:  
nearly essentially
Brain resources: Logical Intelligence
Operation by: Logical Comprehension
Demonstrating: of open-mindedness
Strengths for: logic, coherence, common sense
Skills for: develop, analyze structures based on solid foundations, considering organizational realities
Brain resources: Intuitive Intelligence
Operation by: Intuitive Deduction
Demonstrating: of boldness
Strengths for: the new, the uncharted, the unconventional
Skills for: imagine, conceive new approaches, innovative solutions
a little
Brain resources: Reactive Intelligence
Operation by: Emotional Reaction
Demonstrating: of dedication
In general, exerts very little influence on his functioning.
very little
Brain resources: Rational Intelligence
Operation by: Rational Reasoning
Demonstrating: of caution
In general, exerts very little influence on his functioning.
Thus, with this sequence, Ray
In these proportions (63%) can demonstrate openness to new ideas as long as they are logical and coherent; he can seek logical arguments to reformulate what, in his view, is not; he can build on solid foundations by delving into details.
In these proportions (21%) can break new ground, go against the current, and imagine, following his inspirations, innovative solutions and methods that can distinguish and provide a competitive advantage.
Ray bases his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships on
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  Results:   Quantifier:  
Base his leadership on: Mobilization
Keywords: Empowerment, Complicity
Base his leadership on: Altruism
Keywords: Empathy, Solidarity, Mutual Assistance
a little
Base his leadership on: Individuality
Keywords: Non-interference, Self-determination
very little
Base his leadership on: Centralization
Keywords: Directive Leadership, respect for Authority, and Hierarchy
In general, exerts very little influence on his Leadership and his Interpersonal Relationships .
Given his functioning by Logical Comprehension (63%) + Intuitive Deduction (21%) Ray will therefore exercise leadership and support his interpersonal relationships :
(63%) nearly essentially by relying on coherence, common sense, and by applying nuance and discernment.
(21%) next by following his impulses, his intuitions, his inspirations, his feelings.
(11%) generally, without letting he's be carried away by his feelings or his emotions.
(5%) generally, without allowing he's to be held back or limited by conventions, procedural guidelines, customs, and traditions in his environment.
Ray maximizes his potential when when he can allocate his time and distribute it as follows:
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  Results:   Quantifier:  
Talents for: Build: undertake - realize - start - structure
Optimal Performance Zone: between 43% and 53% of his time for activities him that allow for Build.
Talents for: Innovate: imagine - create - design - conceptualize
Optimal Performance Zone: between 17% and 27% of his time for activities him that allow to Innovate.
Talents for: Manage: consolidate - lead - optimize
Optimal Performance Zone: between 17% and 27% of his time for activities him that allow for Manage.
very little
Talents for: Assist: support - back - make oneself available
Optimal Performance Zone: between 4% and 14% of his time for activities him that allow to Assist.
Given his functioning by Logical Comprehension (63%) + Intuitive Deduction (21%) Ray will therefore, in these proportions fulfill his roles and his tasks by relying on:
(63%) nearly essentially by relying on logic and being open-minded
(21%) next by daring to go off the beaten path, going against the current, and showing audacity
With a himself relationship (74%) / others (26% ), primarily and a little the others.
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Ray demonstrates a good level of autonomy, independence.
He forms his own ideas, his own opinions, and he exercises his free will while considering feedback from his environment.
For Ray, given his result, this external reference system plays a role by encouraging his to consider others' perspectives.
It's important not to overstep in making decisions for him and equally important for that he to participate in decisions concerning him ; otherwise, he may be inclined to oppose it even if he knows it's the correct decision.
With an approach to obtain, gain (81%) / preserve, not lose (19%), Ray acts and takes action essentially to obtain, to gain and very little to preserve, to avoid loss.
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Ray is essentially an optimistic, a positive spirit.
He acts essentially to win, to achieve, to get.
For Ray, taking into account his result, birds of ill omen can hardly make him lose his optimism his confidence in his good star.
It is important to be optimistic and have a positive spirit because that he can have difficulty with negative people, people who only see the glass of water half empty because, in these proportions Ray considers primarily the positive aspects, next the negative aspects of all situations.
With a ratio initiative, proactivity (83%) / waiting for others to take the initiative (17%), Ray definitively takes the initiative and the control of his life, his destiny!
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Ray is definitivelya go-getter for everything that him holds dear.
He can demonstrate a very, very high level of proactivity to achieve his goals, his objectives.
For Ray, given his result, it is preferable not to take initiatives that him involve without including them.
It is very important to allow Ray to take all initiatives that him involve; it is also very important that that he is involved in the initiatives that others may want to undertake and that may him involve them. If one tries to bypass this, he is likely to oppose and refuse to participate.
With a ratio obligations 15% / possibilities 33% / desires 52%, Ray acts and takes action first according to his obligations (15%*
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Although the result is 15% to obligations, Rayacts and takes action first because he must. His sense of duty leads him to put first the obligations that he has to deal with.
With a result of 33% to possibilities, Ray acts and takes action a little less because that he the can and he will show a little less interest in possibilities that may arise as if he takes action.
After responding to his obligations and with a result of 52% to desires, Ray acts and takes action mainly because that he the wants because that he wants to, because it him allows for achieving and realizing certain dreams. He believes that when one wants, one can.
It is primordial to congratulate Ray for his sense of duty, his accountability towards his obligations and to encourage him to continue in this way.
It is also important to respect his desires, to nourish his dreams. If one tries to reason him, to make him give up his dreams, Ray may not follow this advice and go where he will be able to realize his dreams...
With a past 0% / present 67% / future 33%, Ray acts and takes action essentially based on present (67%*
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With a result of 0% to past, for Ray, the past is definitely passed, the page is turned, there is nothing left to see in the rear-view mirror.
With a result of 67% to present, for Ray, what matters is essentially the present moment, the here and now.
With a result of 33% to future, for Ray, what matters is a little less the future. Results need to be visible in the short-term, even in the very short-term.
With Ray, in order to maintain his motivation, it is preferable not to talk about yesterday or tomorrow, but about today. You know the saying: Yesterday's bread is dry, tomorrow's bread is not yet cooked, let's eat today's bread. There, that says it all!
With a focus on Identity 57% / Relationship 43% / Power 0%, Ray acts and takes action almost essentially according to his identity (57%*
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With a result of 57% to identity, for Ray, what matters is almost essentially their identity, his harmony, his zenitude.
With a result of 43% to relationship, for Ray, it is very important to maintain good relationships with his circle, to keep and nurture ties with his close ones (friends, colleagues, family, etc.) and also to keep a certain presence on social media.
With a result of 0% to power, for Ray, being in a position of strength is not essential. Personal harmony and positive interpersonal relationships matter more.
For Ray, their quest for harmony and zenitude is very important. To maintain his motivation, it is therefore essential to respect, encourage, and even foster it.
Ray wants to stay connected with his surroundings; therefore, it is very important to respect his need to maintain and develop his network and keep in touch.
* Because there are 3 variables, the maximum possible is 67%